Saturday 30 January 2016

basically a babble - first blog post!

Good Morning!
Just before I begin I wish to say a special message to someone who i look up-to greatly, Phil Lester,  I just want to wish him a very happy 28th (?!?!?!?!) birthday as I love him lots and life wouldn't be the same without him <3 

So now all the cheesy yucky stuff aside, I just want to introduce me!
My name is Jodie and I am a thirteen year old Van Gogh enthusiast from Glasgow. I go out walks most weekends (I still have the physical endurance of a sloth though) and love the great architecture in Glasgow, such as the Mitchell Library or Princes Square. My favourite thing to do here though is to have a long day of shopping in town :)

I always thought starting a blog would be great fun and something to calm my vivid imagination so here I am! Why today? Well, yesterday was Friday which is my favourite day of the week because NME releases a new issue, and on this issue they had an advert for a website (its a listing website, a bit like pinterest with lists) and I decided to go onto it and read a few articles, including some of the many ones about blogging, and yeah. Thanks NME for inspiring me I guess.

My music taste is a bit out of the norm, the mainstream Justin and Shawn (I do love Shawn to pieces though), I prefer older or alternative bands, like The Beatles and Panic! At The Disco.

I will be blogging about style, my favourite sites in Glasgow, music and any other cool stuff I can scrap from my basically boring life. :) I hope you enjoy reading!

Please share it would mean a lot to me, and comment your favourite artist (like art artist not music artist)

PS: I also partially speak German. Just thought I'd mention that.

Good day, Jodie x